The reader of The Dongguk Post will notice two different things from former editors.  One is the timing of publication and the other is item changes.  First, let's talk about issues.  Some items aren't hot issues nowadays like the raising of tuition fee and King and the Clown.  Students who are used to reading hot issues of the magazine maybe wondering What happened to the Post??Second, it takes five weeks to publish one magazine: one week for discussing the items; two weeks for reporting; and two weeks for typesetting and publication.  It's only after this process that the readers can read a current The Dongguk Post.The Post reporters planned the current magazine in February.  To do this , the reporters worked during their winter vacation and were sometimes scolded if they didn't write an article on time.Publishing was delayed because the typesetting corporation was to be changed and the Post had to wait until the University chose a new corporation.  The school chose a corporation without asking the Post's opinion.  Unfortunately, there is no blinding contract between DU and the new corporation.  Therefore the reporters couldn't do anything, and just had to wait for the school and the new corporation to agree on a contract.  The Post understands the business side of publishing a magazine, but its opinion should not have been ignored.  This is just one example of how the administration is unreasonable.  Students have seen this unreasonable process of administration many times before.  Another example is the Round Table meeting and tuition fee issue.Dongguk University (DU) will celebrate 100th anniversary in May.  It's a good chance for students and the school to go forward together.  Many events will be held in the campus.  If they don't hear each others opinion, DU won't advance.  I hope this is the school's mistake, not a one-sided administration.
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