Debut essay from the 57th reporters

Kim Ryeong-seo, Post Reporter
Kim Ryeong-seo, Post Reporter

  Looking back on my previous year, it had passed meaninglessly without much difference. Perhaps because I came in without affection for the school, I was a student who did not take the lead in school activities. When I became a sophomore, I wanted to join the Dongguk Post because I felt guilty for not improving last year, because I did not do anything. Moreover, I wanted to go further by appreciating the advantages and benefits of this activity in that I could write and proofread in English.

  After working as a cub reporter for six months, I could feel the joy of active life again. Searching for school announcements every week, checking how the school works with my eyes, writing online articles weekly to summarize this information, I got used to writing in English, and my fear of this disappeared. In addition, since I mainly have to search for news articles or school information dealing with current issues and quickly respond to changes, I have gained more common sense and information, so I can participate more actively in school activities. In addition, as a cub reporter, I interviewed to write my first article and contacted international students to receive articles from international students. During this process, I could feel that I had gained various experiences that I never had before.

  In addition, I learned a lot by watching my collegues work passionately with dreams in the media industry and broadcasting industries. Observing the students who posed career-related questions and the process of preparing them at the “special lecture for journalists,” was an opportunity for me to solidify my dream and actively ask questions at the special lecture from professionals to achieve it. In the future, while working as a post reporter, I decided to write articles with an emphasis on conveying the vivid voices of Donggukians. I am also committed creating a reason why English newspapers should survive by contributing to growing their power as a media company.

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