The weather is warming up, and the smell of spring is in the air. Former high school students are entering new colleges in the spring; the season of love and new life is here. It is an exciting time when you can devote your life to seeking out a new adventure. The first few weeks on campus, however, are extremely critical for all new students. I still remember my freshman year like it was yesterday, and I remember being terribly nervous. So, it is a good idea to come to campus at least moderately prepared for the personal and social adjustments that lay ahead. To start college on the right foot and thrive in college, here are three things I recommend freshmen should do once they are on campus.  First of all, attend social functions to make friends. During your freshmen year of college it is common to feel isolated and out of place. In this case, you should go to different kinds of events or join clubs that you might enjoy to get to know people. Club meetings allow students to hook up with each other for social activities outside of the classroom. Freshmen often develop an emotional attachment by actively associating with people with different backgrounds and interests. It is a good way to widen your social network.

Second, meet with your professors. College is just as much about networking as it is about sitting in class. To some extent, all colleges try to ensure that all students receive proper attention from the teaching staff. But, you should put in an extra effort and time into interacting with them by sending an e-mail or visiting their office to contact with them for a personal greeting.

Finally, manage your time efficiently. Unlike your lifestyle in high school, college life gives you more time and freedom to experience new things. With effective time management, you can be dedicated to a variety of activities without neglecting your studies. Of course, there is no question that good students are the ones that know how to manage their time effectively. Plus, with the freedom, take responsibility for yourself and your actions. To become an adult means taking responsibility for everything that happens to you.

In sum, I absolutely believe that young people should realize that their college life is a very precious time. During this period, you can discover new potential and competence. The decisions that you make and the actions you take during this first year of college will have a huge impact on the rest of your college experience. Don’t be nervous. College life, like everything else, is full of ups and downs. Most of your concerns will probably go away after your first week. If they don’t, there is always something you can do to change things. I will keep my fingers crossed for your successful college life.

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