▲ Yun Seon-ju, Editor in Chief.  
Passing through that period between being a child and an adult we change not only in numerical age, but more importantly in our attitudes.  Like a seed, it is not an easy path. To grow strong and be a tree, the seed may be caught in a rainstorm or draught or even eaten by a worm but through it all if we are lucky and fate is kind we move through it and become better for our trials.

In the time I have spent with the Post I have gone through my fair share of trials and have grown to be the tree that I am today. I am no longer green because I am withered from my hardships but my roots are strong and my branches are firm. When I was a cub reporter, I simply enjoyed the benefits of being a reporter, but I was soon to face many challenges as my status would change to editor-in-chief. Especially, it was the heavy work load that was wearing me down.  I was faced with the need to satisfy my seniors, juniors, faculty members, and readers all at the same time. Looking back, I spent most of my time agonizing about how to achieve my goals and maintain the prosperity of the Post.

There was an overflow of ideas and I dare say that many were not executed to their fullest. Still the Post did its best to report on uncovered issues with the utmost sensitivity and sincerity. It has only been a short time since the Post switched from a magazine to a tabloid newspaper. With the change we had to find new ways to provide attractive designs and texts.

While we silently achieved some of our goals, we also found insufficient aspects in our work. Above all, what I regret most is that I did not enjoy my life in the Post as much as I would have liked. My memories of hard times have seemingly gotten the best of me. I truly hope the next editors can improve upon what I have started and compliment any weaknesses that I have left behind at the Post. It is a comfortable thought that this tree will not be standing lonely so long and I am excited to know that this forest will grow strong around me as my juniors also reach for the sky.

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