Writing Class

 << Essay from a Foreign Student >>


  I don't think so. I think that my choice was very good. This is because DU was estimated good university by Korean people.  For example, The Department of Film & Digital Media is famous throughout Korea.


  I don't think so. I think that my choice was very good. This is because DU is so highly valued by Korean people. For example, the Department of Film & Digital Media is famous throughout Korea.

‘멋진 대학교, 동국대!’

- 교정받기 전의 문장에서 This is because that DU was estimated good university by the Korean people (동국대는 한국에서 좋은 대학으로 사람들에게 알려져있기 때문이다) 의 뜻으로 평가받다는 estimate라는 단어를 사용하였다. estimate에도 물론 가치를 평가하다라는 의미가 있지만 주로 수량 그리고 시간등에 사용된다. 높이 평가하다라는 뜻을 포함한 value라는 단어를 수동태로 사용하면서, 동국대가 좋은 대학이라는 뜻을 좀 더 강조함과 동시에 좀 더 영어다운 표현이 되어있다.

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  "Since Naksansa is associated with DU (founded in 1906 by the forerunners in the Buddhist world), either directly  or indirectly, today's volunteer work has meaning for us in some way or other," the chief director of the KT&G Social Welfare Foundation accepted the donggukians gladly at the beginning orientation session. Jeong-Nyeom, the head priest of a naksansa, also bade us welcome, "the trees that you plant will be tall ones and be your reminiscence and be great legacy that you leave to your grandchildren."


  "Since Naksansa is associated with DU which was founded in 1906 by leaders in the Buddhist world, directly or indirectly today's volunteer work holds a lot of significance for us," remarked the chief director of the KT&G Social Welfare Foundation in his warmly welcoming opening words to donggukians.  Jeong-Nyeom, the head priest of Naksansa, also greeted us in the orientation session: "the trees that you now plant will be tall ones and will be the great legacy that you will bequeath to your grandchildren."

‘동국참사랑봉사단과 함께한 하루’

-교정받기 전의 문장에서 be great legacy that you leave to your grandchildren (후손에게 남기는 위대한 유산이 될 것이다.) 라는 뜻으로 leave (남기다) 라는 단어를 사용하였다. 하지만 동사 leave의 '남기다'는 뜻은 다소 '~한 상태로 남기다, 두고 가다, 방치하다'의 뉘앙스를 가질 수 있다. 따라서 보다 구체적인 의미를 갖기 위해서 ‘bequeath’라는동사를 썼다. 동사 'bequeath'는 (작품, 문명 등을) 후세에 전하다, 유언으로 증여하다 와 같이 legacy와 긴밀한 관계를 가지므로 보다 적절한 표현이라 할 수 있다.


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