Campus Life


Subsequently, there is a A/V(Audio Visual) room-it has 68 seats-for the people who want to feel the air of movie-theater. A series of movies are played whole times, and you can add what you want to see in the list.


Additionally, there is a A/V(Audio Visual) room with 68 seats for people who want to experience the ambience of a movie-theater. They always show different genres of movies, and you can add what you want to the list.

'당신의 원하는 모든 것, 캠퍼스에서 찾아라'

교정받기 전의 문장에서 'who want to feel the air of movie-theater' (극장의 분위기를 느끼고 싶은-)의 뜻으로 'air'라는 단어를 사용하였다. 하지만 air는 굉장히 포괄적인 단어이므로, 그 대용어가 atmosphere이다. 따라서 'who want to experience the ambience of a movie-theater'(극장의 분위기를 경험하고 싶은-)처럼 기사체에 적합한 구체적인 뜻을 갖는 단어인 ambience로 바뀌었다. ambience는 한국인들에게는 생소할 수 있지만, 영화관, 도서관, 음악홀과 같은 구체적인 장소의 분위기를 나타낼 때 자주 사용된다.

Campus Issue


According to the research on the university students held by a newspaper company, 52.8% of the students replied that they intended to take a leave of absence due to high tuition fees. Considering this situation, the DongGuk University(DGU) decided to freeze tuition fees on January 10th. But the demonstrations for tuition fees are still held now. Why is this problem happening? And how to solve this problem that seems to last forever?


According to a newspaper survey on university students, 52.8 percents of students said that they intended to take a leave of absence due to high tution fees. Mindful of this situation, DonGuk University(DGU) decided to freeze tuition fees on January 10th, 2009. But the demonstrations related with tuition fees are still on-going. Why are they still happening? How can we solve a problem that stubbornly refuses to go away?

'등록금 동결; 가능한 이야기인가?'

교정받기 전의 문장에서 'And how to solve this problem that seems to last forever?'(영원히 지속될 것만 같은 이 문제를 어떻게 해결할 것인가?)의 뜻으로 'last'라는 단어를 사용하였다. 분명 'last'는 동사로서 '지속되다'라는 의미를 갖지만, 주로 시간 등에 한정되어 'The lecture lasted for two hours'(강연은 2시간 동안 계속되었다.)와 같이 쓰인다. 따라서 'last'를 'stubbornly refuses to go away'(사라지기를 완강하게 거부하는)로 풀어써 기존의 의미를 살리면서, 영어의 독특한 사물주어의 특성을 강조하였다. 

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