Love is not the relationship of minds but becoming somebody. When you love anyone, you are not possessing their minds but becoming him or her. When you love Dongguk University or Korea, you are becoming the body of Dongguk University or Korea. But it is another body which was not known as any social organs in the past, and we can call for it as the becoming system of love and the body without organs. When your love is not becoming the body without organs, it destructs your body and the others because it is not a force of becoming something but one of destructing anything. In Tao Te Ching, Lao-Tzu says as the following.

Love and blame are as dangerous as fear.Hardship is as precious as your body.What does it mean that love and blame are as dangerous as fear?Whether you go up the ladder with love or down it with blame,Your position is shaky.When you stand with your two feet on the ground,You will always keep your balance.   What does it mean that hardship is as precious as your body?Hardship and body are both phantomsThat arise from thinking of the self.When your body becomes something without organs,What do we have to fear?See the world as your body;You have faith in the way it becomes the body without organs.Love the world as your body;You can care for becoming something of the world.(Tao Te Ching Chapter 13)

   In the above poetry, Lao-Tzu mention about the ambiguity and doubleness of love and body. Love and body are not only both phantoms that arise from thinking of the self but also becoming something. The point is that you stand with your two feet on the ground and that your body becomes something without organs. William Blake, one of English Romantic poets, says that love is consisted of two forces in which works the empowering force and the empowered force. The empowering force means that “Love seeks not Itself to please,/ Nor for itself has any care;/ But for another gives its ease,/ And builds a Heaven in Hells despair," and the empowered force means that "Love seeks only Self to please/ To bind another to Its delight:/ Joys in anothers loss of ease,/ And builds a Hell in Heavens despite.”(Blake's poetry, “The Clod & the Pebble”)    Kim Choon-Su, one of Korean modern poets, says that body is consisted of two forces in which works with the body without organs and the body with organs. The body without organs means that “Before I am calling for her(or his) name/ (S)he is only/ A gesture of the body without organs”, and the body with organs means that “When I am calling for her(or his) name/ (S)he goes on to me/ And becomes a flower.” The poet is continuing to say that “As I am calling for her(or his) name/ Please does anyone call for my name/ Which is right for my color and flavor./ I am going to her(or him)/ And want to become a flower.” In a poetry named “A Flower” of Kim Choon-Su, An action of calling for someone's name means an action of loving to someone. “I” become the body without organs through loving to someone, and someone becomes the body with organs(a flower) through loving of me. In the next process, He(or she) has to become the body without organs through loving to me, and I have to become the body with organs through her(or his) loving to me. The point is that “We all/ Want to become something,/ I to you, you to me/ Want to become a gesture of seeing never forgotten.”  

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